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Osteonecrosis of Jaws

alveolar bone. Alveolar bone loss is characterized by the reduction in height and volume of the maxillary and mandibular bones that underlie and support the teeth. The primary causes of alveolar bone loss are periodontitis and tooth loss, although osteoporosis may also contribute. In addition, certain bisphosphonates have been associated with osteonecrosis. Roughly 35% of adults aged 30 to 90 in the US have periodontitis (Albandar JM, 1999, J Periodontal, 70(1):13-29). The lack of an effective treatment for periodontal bone loss has encouraged the continued search for a successful therapeutic approach.

Using our newest technology, LRP cell signaling modulation, we have identified proprietary, orally active compounds that could provide therapy for bone loss and osteonecrosis of the jaw.

The small molecules were generated by combining mutational analyses with structural biology, performing computational screening followed by biological in vitro assays, and validating in animal model systems.

When delivered orally, Enzo's candidate compound was shown to prevent alveolar bone loss in an endotoxin-induced periodontitis rat model (American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, 2007).